martes, 7 de septiembre de 2010

Day 6-7

Day 6: Snapshot-ish too, since I was on a hurry again.

Today I shot this at a parking lot. I tried to have that post as the central line of the photo, but I think I did something wrong, since I think it lacks something. Any suggestions?

7 comentarios:

  1. I like the stripes on the central post, the diagonal is good too. I think you need some more light on the bottom half as the bright top half is overpowering it a bit.

  2. In the top shot, the bright white at the right of the image is a little distracting and serves to make the entire image appear much narrower than it really is.
    I like the idea of the second shot, but the top area is perhaps a little bright and drowns out the lower section.

  3. I think the top needed a little more light on the lower half of the picture and perhaps cropping at the brown on the right would better center it. The bottom picture would be great if the white at the top wasn't so white. Overall they are both great abstracts!

  4. I agree that the white on the bottome shot is too bright. I like the yellow stripe, almost like a tick

  5. All you abstracts are very nice finds so far.
    Ordinary things people see every day but I am sure most people would nit see the nice abstracts in them as what you did.
    Well done.


  6. As egon said,you are doing well at spotting things which are usually passed by. The second shot especially works well with the abstract theme.

  7. This is an interesting abstract, nice clean lines, a touch of colour. Well done.
